“Had I known then what I know now, I could have overcome the [tobacco] habit in a few weeks; instead, it took me half a year to accomplish it.” ~Vitalist from 1939 (Back to Eden, Jethro Kloss, Pg 435).
The following steps can end tobacco dependency in a matter of weeks instead of a lifetime. Most individuals in society today are aware that smoking is harmful. The good news is that the harm is preventable and reversible, although what to do different may be unclear. Make the choice and have faith like that of a mustard seed (Matthew 7:20). Trust that you will not be tested beyond your capabilities.
Historically, the social aspect and meaning that people attach to smoking perpetuates its practice. Abstaining will require the continued decision to shift one’s mindset and commit to planned, daily health-building actions amidst any situation. If one is up for the challenge, the results that follow will be too numerous to count.
First, begin a liquid diet of fresh fruit juices and vegetable broth for eight to fifteen days. Fruit juices are cleansing and easily digested when chewed thoroughly to mix each mouthful with saliva. The freshness of juice provides enzyme content that aids healing, whereas the canned or heat-treated versions lack this vitality. Purchase a juicer that you will use and clean daily. Remember
that this is an investment in your health. If you only have a blender, blend the fruit, and then strain and squeeze the mixture through a nut milk bag to yield a fine, pulp-free juice.
Potassium broths give vigor to the body and restoration when feeling tired or weak. Remember to omit the salt and cook on low heat (under about 130 degrees
Fahrenheit). Many food stores have a salt-free vegetable broth mix in their bulk bin section or near the dried herbs that is helpful to have on hand. These lack the salt that most canned or bottled vegetable broths have.
When making homemade broth, add more celery than seems reasonable for extra saltiness. Include dulse or other sea
vegetables, if desired. Using seasonal, organically-grown vegetables and herbs boosts flavor. Towards the end of “cooking,” add in lightly steamed vegetables or fresh spinach, just enough to wilt, for something savory to chew if necessary.
Second, take plenty of sweat baths or sauna sessions. At least once a day perspire freely for thirty
minutes or more. Poisons released during cleansing find their way into the bloodstream and can be expelled through the skin this way. Drinking diaphoretic tea such a yarrow will assist sweating while in the sauna or hot bath. Be sure to end each bath or sauna with a cool water temperature rinse to close the pores, preventing chill.
Outside of
meal and shower time, drink nervine and blood-cleansing teas alternately whenever thirsty. Peppermint alone is especially indicated in cases of addiction, such as coffee or alcohol. Valerian has the nickname “tobacco root,” which is sedating although smells like dirty socks. Echinacea or red clover blossoms are both blood-cleansing and immune boosting, which helps when you feel run down from detox overload. Use these or other herbal blends such as Dr. Christopher’s Relax-Eze or Nerve
Last, to replace the physical sensation of a cigarette in your mouth, try chewing straws. Buy a box of plastic straws and cut them to the size of cigarettes. If you prefer cigars, look for bubble tea straws that have a wider circumference. Whenever you feel the urge to light up, chew on a straw. Alternatively, consider chewing gum,
holding Bach Rescue Remedy pastilles under your tongue, or breath through a carbon dioxide training device such as the Relaxator.
Samantha Fish has a Master Herbalist certification from the School of Natural Healing and is a Kon Mari consultant in-training. She empowers friends and family to revitalize any health condition using herbs and natural methods when possible. Samantha enjoys weight training, gardening, hiking, tidying/decluttering, and sharing with friends and