Chronic pain affects many people and can be in the form of back pain, arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, hip pain, joint pain, pain from overuse, getting old pain, nerve pain, neuralgia, knee pain, neck pain, autoimmune pain, etc.
Using herbs and natural therapies, when aimed at getting to the cause of the problem, can take time, but can be very effective in clearing up the problem once and for all.
When working with old injuries and damaged tissue, Dr. Christopher’s BF&C formula is the first thing
I would use. Dr Christopher created this formula as an aid to a young girl with severe skin disease. It was used over time along with the mucusless diet. Her skin cleared up and she lost weight and started loving herself and her life. There are so many testimonials about how this formula has helped with broken bones, spinal injuries, sprains, bruises, hernias, and many other injuries including growing the tip of a finger and the joint back after it had been severed. Diligence is the key
when working with any long-term issue.
The BF&C formula can be purchased in bulk. From there it is made into a concentrated decoction for use as a fomentation. I make a large batch and divide up and freeze it, so I have it when needed. It takes so long to make a batch so having it on-hand is very beneficial. I was able to share some
with an elderly friend who was having severe knee pain. She applied a fomentation over the knee and kept it on overnight. The next day she reported that her pain was reduced by half.
Autoimmune disease seems to be affecting so many people these days. Immucalm is used in all cases of autoimmune disease. It is made of equal parts astragalus
root and marshmallow root. Five capsules five times a day is often recommended in severe cases. We have had many reports of this simple formula bringing about dramatic results. This week a caller reported that a tea made from the herbs relieved fibromyalgia pain within 30 minutes. This formula can be combined with other herbs specific for the problem. It is often combined with the BF&C formula to help repair damaged tissue and to calm the immune system. Complete Tissue and Bone is the
formula available for purchase as an ointment or capsules.
Cayenne ointment is used to increase circulation to an area when experiencing trauma or pain. This combined with the Complete Tissue and Bone ointment can bring about relief in a few minutes. I’ve seen this happen over and over.
Toxicity: When toxins build up in the body they deposit in the weakest organs, glands, joints or regions of the body. Too many toxins will eventually create symptoms. These symptoms can show up as pain, discharge, inflammation, skin irritations, organ dysfunction, hormone imbalances, swellings, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, bowel disease, auto-immune disease,
As these conditions continue, they can lead to emotional imbalances such as discouragement and depression.
In cases of toxicity, it is necessary to cleanse the body in
order to heal. There are many natural products intended to relieve pain whether taken internally or applied externally. These will only mask the pain. In the case of the young girl with the skin issues, Dr. Christopher put her on a cleansing program to get the toxins out of her system. This brought about true healing without using drugs to mask the symptoms.
Many people are able to overcome chronic pain just by changing their diet. Eliminate foods that are known to cause inflammation such as sugar, dairy, animal products, processed foods and any foods you are allergic to. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Dr. Christopher’s extended herbal cleanse is designed to clear toxins out of the body starting with the bowels. The formulas in this program are Lower Bowel, Kidney, Liver and Gallbladder,
and Bloodstream. Follow the sequence of Lower Bowel and Kidney for the first week, add the Liver and Gallbladder the next week then add the Bloodstream the 3rd week and stay on the formulas for at least 6 weeks. It may be necessary to continue for up to a year. Take the seventh day off from the formulas each week, the seventh week off and the seventh month off. This is according to the instructions given by Dr. Christopher. He taught that the body works in cycles of seven and found that his
patients achieved better results with these guidelines.
Remember it takes diligence, patience and time to truly heal from chronic pain. I wish you success on your journey to wellness.
Jo Francks is a
Master Herbalist working at the School of Natural Healing.