Frequently, I receive calls from people concerned about the high glycemic content of carrots and most fruits. I assure them of both the benefits and safety of fresh produce. There are no studies justifying the misconception that fresh produce should be feared. Many studies, however, confirm the dangers of processed sugar, which should be avoided.
The process of drying fruit concentrates the sugar, which can be damaging, especially to teeth. The sugars found naturally in fresh produce are not only safe but are essential for good health.
The brain depends on and runs on glucose. In fact, 20% of the glucose in the body is utilized by the brain. Glucose is the primary fuel for the nervous
system, especially the brain and spinal cord.
The reason glucose in fresh food is safe lies in the complexity of the food itself. Whole foods contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and many other components. The process of breaking down these components and the time it takes ensures proper
assimilation and efficiency. Even the sugar found in fruit, fructose, cannot be used by the body until the liver converts it to glucose. It's important not to confuse high fructose corn syrup with fructose found in fruit, as the former is highly processed and certainly not safe.
Dr. Christopher advises, “chew your liquids and drink your solids.”
Chewing solid food until it becomes liquid helps break it down for proper digestion. Chewing fresh juices slows down the digestive process, which is necessary since the fiber, which naturally slows down assimilation, is missing in juice.
One of the major problems with extracted sugar, like sucrose, is that it releases glucose in large amounts
quickly, triggering a reaction from the pancreas. The pancreas relies on the slow release of glucose from the liver. With this large release of glucose, the pancreas releases larger amounts of insulin to lower the quick rise in blood sugar levels. Continuing this stimulation with processed sugar creates unnatural imbalances and can contribute to insulin resistance and eventual diabetes.
The dangers of processed sugar have been a warning from the natural food movement for decades. Numerous studies support this warning. Interestingly, a recent article in mainstream media, which rarely addresses sugar's dangers, caught my attention. An article published on May 1, 2024, in Time magazine titled “It’s Time to Treat Sugar Like Cigarettes” by Mark Hayman MD and Ron Gutman, discusses this issue. They mention that the FDA
recommends adults consume no more than 50 grams of sugar a day, but the average adult consumes a third of a pound daily. This amounts to 100 pounds of sugar annually per person. The article notes that “it is no wonder that 49% of American adults are diabetic or pre-diabetic.” It further explains that academic research published in medical peer-reviewed journals shows that excess sugar consumption can lead to serious chronic conditions, including fatigue, anxiety, memory loss, ADHD, and even a
shorter life span. They also highlight that there are 60 different ways sugar is identified on nutrition labels, complicating consumer attempts to regulate sugar intake. Seventy-five percent of packaged foods have added sugar, with some yogurts containing more sugar than a can of soda. They declare that sugar is biologically addictive, with some studies indicating it is eight times more addictive than cocaine.
The nutrients that accompany naturally occurring sugars in food are essential for a well-functioning brain. Without nutrients like vitamin C and the B-complex vitamins, glucose is not available to the brain. Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon and researcher, states that with a head injury, essential nutrients for glucose absorption can deplete within 24 hours, and without supplementation, brain damage can occur. He
further explains that IV drips of glucose without nutrients will destroy brain cells.
The nutrients we need for proper brain functioning can be supplied by consuming adequate amounts of fresh raw produce, which provide the proper amounts of glucose necessary for life itself.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist, director of The School of Natural Healing, and son of our beloved Dr. John R. Christopher. He is continually helping others improve their health and that of their family members. The School loves having him as the director.