Tinnitus, those persistent ringing, whooshing, roaring, or hissing sounds perceived in the ears without an external sound source has long been a concern for many people. Dr. Christopher always considered it a problem caused by nerve damage and provided an excellent remedy now called Ear and Nerve formula.
Recently, I have been fielding inquiries from concerned students, spurred by new research suggesting a brain-related origin of tinnitus and asking what therapies should be used if this is true.
As I researched this topic, I found studies cited in the Harvard Health Letter (March 2024) which indicate that tinnitus may indeed be linked to brain
activity where the brain compensates for the void in sound due to hearing loss by creating white noise or phantom noise. This compensatory mechanism occurs even in people with normal hearing test results, challenging conventional understanding of tinnitus.
Research from Harvard Medical School finds that some people have hidden hearing loss which particularly affects the auditory
nerve (the nerve that sends sound signals to the brain) and is not picked up by conventional tests. Studies, such as the one published in Scientific Reports on November 30, 2023, underscore this connection, highlighting the prevalence of tinnitus among individuals with normal hearing. The studies show that the auditory nerve is only partially damaged and further studies show that damaged nerves can be regenerated, at least in animal studies. (1)
Dr. Christopher always said go to the cause of an issue, and perhaps even the cause of the cause. The cause of tinnitus is hearing loss caused by nerve damage; therefore Dr. Christopher’s Ear & Nerve Formula remains as relevant as ever.
The Ear & Nerve formula is used by tipping the head to the
side and dropping 4 drops of tincture into the ear. Dr. Christopher suggested doing both ears, whether there was a problem with both ears or not. He also suggested using 4 drops of oil of garlic in each ear, which helps with both infection and loosening ear wax buildup.
Dr. Christopher also recommended using the herbs internally and externally for best results. This formula is
available in glycerate form called Nerve Formula for internal use. The tonic dosage is 2 dropperful three times per day. With modern research, today we know that ginkgo increases circulation to the head, which would be helpful for tinnitus. Using Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue and Bone Formula will also help to regenerate nerves.
Herbal therapies promote long-term healing and
may take 6 weeks to 6 months to regenerate damaged nerves. Strategies to mitigate immediate tinnitus discomfort include distracting the brain with soothing sounds, such as gentle music or educational materials like Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Lectures, available at christopherpublications.com. Enrolling in classes at schoolofnaturalhelaing.com would provide plenty of video and audio files to distract the brain from immediate tinnitus discomfort while the healing process unfolds.
(1) Harvard Health
Letter, March 2024
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist, director of The School of Natural Healing, and son of our beloved Dr. John R. Christopher. He is continually helping others improve their health and that of their family members. The School loves having him as the