Dr. Christopher often talked about feelings and emotions contributing to physical ailments. He specifically mentioned the feeling of hate contributing to cancer. The opposite of hate is love. Love is a feeling of the heart. When the heart is unhealthy, it can be fatal. Therefore, it is expedient that we take care of our hearts.
Studies have shown that many people who have had heart attacks had disturbing emotional problems just prior to the attack. Anger seemed to cause the most trouble as well as depression, fear, anxiety, and grief.
A proper combination of exercise and diet is a major factor in preventing heart disease. Overcoming emotional trauma and letting go of negative feelings and emotions may be just as effective in establishing a healthy heart.
Negative emotions associated with heart troubles and cardiovascular disorders
Violating the laws of love: knowingly or unknowingly
Feelings of compassion or rejection being blocked
Feelings of resentment and/or hurt
Not feeling approval from others
Upsetting family problems
Difficulty forgiving self and others
Wanting to be released from responsibility
In a relationship that hurts
Cardiovascular Disorders:
Driven to compete, achieve and acquire material wealth
Feelings of agitation and impatience
Wanting matters to move more quickly
Low self-esteem [1]
There are many herbs that help strengthen and heal the heart. Hawthorn is the
first herb many herbalists go to for heart troubles. Motherwort, Lily of the Valley, Garlic, Cayenne, Blue Cohosh, Tansy, and Angelica are all wonderful herbs for the heart.
Today as many of us observe Valentine's Day, think of your own heart health and what emotions are running in your life that may be affecting your overall health.
Finding ways to overcome these obstacles may take time but it is very much worth it.
Jo Francks is a Master Herbalist working at the School of Natural Healing.
[1] Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K. Turman