One of the biggest challenges that holistically minded parents face is knowing how to take care of your family. Many people
these days are aware of the dangers inherent to modern medicine and want to choose a different path to take care of their young ones, which is their right as parents. But when blazing an “alternative” path, new problems present themselves: 1) knowing what, exactly, the cause of the health challenge might be and 2) knowing what to do about the health challenge.
This is exactly
where I found myself with my own family at one point. After having graduated from the School of Natural Healing, I felt very confident in my ability to take care of my kids when health problems came up – and perhaps even more important, to prevent health problems in the first place.
But all of the sudden, my youngest daughter started to experience some chronic health issues
that my wife (she’s a PhD nutritionist) and I couldn’t seem to figure out. Our diet was good, we were using what seemed to be the right kind of herbs, but these health problems persisted. One in particular was a chronic cough. Whenever she would get sick, her cough would remain for a long time. She could also be very irritable at times.
And then one day as I was thinking about
what to do for her and the thought came to learn about iridology, which is the study of the iris and how it correlates with what is going on inside the body. However, the only thing I knew about iridology at the time was that Dr. Christopher had used it, and that was good enough for me. So I geared up for some more schooling and learned all about iridology.
I’ll admit that at first I
thought it was rather hokey. I didn’t see how the iris could possibly show what might be going on inside the body. But as I started to use it, I realized just how accurate it could be. Of course, iridology doesn’t show everything that happens in the body. But it provides an incredible look into the strength and weakness of various locations, among other things.
With my
daughter (pictured above), I found that she had genetic heart, lung, and thyroid weaknesses. These things accounted for the chronic coughing as well as the irritable mood. Knowing these things, we were able to change course and provide the right kind of herbal supports to all these areas. Her coughing went away and her mood was much improved.
To help other parents and caretakers
harness the power of iridology, I created the At Home Iridology course. This course is designed for parents, spouses, caregivers, and friends alike to learn all the fundamentals of iridology in a way that’s accessible and easy to understand. When I initially released it, the feedback was so incredible and people were telling me how much it had helped them get to the root cause of health problems and see future issues before they became a problem. Because of this feedback, I have partnered with
the School of Natural Healing to provide an exclusive discount of 15% off with the code SNH15. I believe this course paired with the School’s teachings can help parents, grandparents, and friends be better equipped to take care of their loved ones – in a more holistic way.
Jordan Gundersen is a graduate of the School of Natural Healing and is a Diplomate of Holistic
Iridology from the International Institute of Iridology. He is the creator of the At Home Iridology Course from You can connect with Jordan on Instagram @thealfalfamale or by emailing