Dr. Christopher recommended cleansing as a way of purifying the body for healing. In his 3-Day Cleansing Program book he states, “The purpose of the entire program is to eliminate mucus from the body. With the mucus
out of the body, a natural healing is obtained in a more simplified way, with the least inconvenience to the patient.”
Many people see the 3-Day Cleanse as a one-time event, however, Dr.
Christopher recommended this as the beginning of the cleansing program, a monthly maintenance, and a way to start living a healthier lifestyle. He recommends using the 3-Day Cleanse to kick start detoxification and set the body up for further cleansing and healing. At the end of the three days, approximately three gallons of toxic lymph will have been eliminated from the body and replaced with three gallons of juices, which is key in re-alkalinizing the system.
After the three days of juice fasting Dr. Christopher recommends starting on the Mucusless Diet, using raw, living foods. I have found this to be an easy transition. After three days of juice cleansing my
body feels fresh and clean, and I find myself only wanting to consume foods that will keep it that way.
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to do a 3-Day Cleanse and then start or improve upon the Mucusless Diet. Dr. Christopher tells us that eating foods that are alive, nutritious, and healthful can rebuild our bodies, facilitate healing, and keep us free from common issues of old age. Join
me in a 3-Day Cleanse in January and let’s start our year off in the healthiest way possible!