Many times we work on our physical symptoms by cleansing the body with juices, food and herbs, change our diet to eat more fresh fruits and
vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, but no matter how hard we try we can’t get our health to a level where we feel great. We improve some but can’t seem to get past some unseen block.
Dr. Edward Bach discovered an interesting thing about plants and their flowers. Using the vibrational energy from the blooms, buds, young leaves and flowering twigs, he created Bach Flower Remedies. He believed that physical disease (dis-ease) was primarily the result of imbalances in our mind and emotions. And his Bach Flower remedies address those imbalances in our mind and emotions.
Gudrun Penselin has been advancing Edward Bach’s information and has written the book Healing Spirituality, A Practical Guide to Understanding and Working with Bach Flowers. Through her own healing journey she has discovered how these remedies serve us in all walks of life and in all aspects. “The flower essences are non-toxic herbal preparations that affect all levels of our being, with the primary focus being a person's mental and emotional states as well as their spiritual well-being. Since the health of our physical body is closely related to our emotions, mental outlook, and spirit, the body is often able to create physical balance once harmony is
being achieved in the other three aspects.”
Gudrun has also created a companion card deck to go along with her
book. Bach Flowers Unfolding has a
card for each of the essences with exquisite full color illustrations and details including a message from each respective flower and the primary focus. Gudrun suggests that just holding the card can be as effective as using the remedy itself because the energy is infused in the cards.
Dr. Christopher always taught that you need to work on all aspects of health including the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. If you feel stuck in your healing journey this book or card set may provide the information you need to find a remedy to help you move toward wellness.
The book and cards are now available at Christopher Publications. These both go together and make a great
gift or resource to help you in the use of Bach Flower Remedies.