I’m so grateful to know of some of the amazing healing plants that God has placed on this earth for our healing and health.
It states the word ‘herb’ throughout the scriptures, which makes me realize the importance of herbs and their place in our lives.
The pharmaceutical drugs of today are synthesized from plant compounds. Why take a synthetic chemical drug that’s formulated after a plant compound when you can take the actual life-giving plant with all its medicinal compounds?
I recently watched a video interview with Dr. Elizabeth Eads.
(here is the link to the video: Dr. Elizabeth Eads ~ "Millions Will Get AIDS From the Covid Vaccine By Fall 2022" (rumble.com) I
highly recommend watching it as she gives a lot of information about the covid shot and boosters and the horrific side effects they have. During the interview she talked a lot about taking Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine if you get covid or have had the covid shot and/or boosters. The reason she recommends Ivermectin is because it binds to the spikes of the spike protein and the virus and eliminates them both from the body. Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-parasitic
As I was listening to her talking about these two drugs, a few
herbs came to mind. First was elderberry. Elderberry binds to the spikes of viruses and eliminates them from the body. Elderberry is also high in vitamin C, which helps keep your immune system strong. Second, wormwood. Wormwood is an anti-parasitic herb. Third, black walnut. Black walnut is an anti-fungal herb. Wormwood and black walnut are a super force when taken as a combination.
In the video, Dr. Eads also talks about how people’s immune systems are starting to fail them after the shots and boosters. A good way to boost your immune system is
taking echinacea for 6 days and then taking a break for a few days, then repeating that pattern. Echinacea makes your body think it’s being poisoned, so it releases a bunch of Killer T-Cells to kill the poison. Since there’s no poison, the Killer T-Cells kill the disease present in the body. The reason you need to take a break from echinacea is because your body builds up an immunity to it, so it won’t do its function anymore.
Mushrooms are also great for the immune system. A good combination of immune boosting herbs is Dr. Christopher’s Immune System Formula. It has echinacea,
Reishi mushroom, and astragalus, which all boost and strengthen the immune system. Since the formula has echinacea, make sure you take a rest from the formula for a few days.
If you’re looking for a natural way to treat many diseases, look to what God gave us, in its full, life-giving form. HERBS!