Harvard University’s Spanish-American
philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This aphorism is as
relevant today as it was in 1905. The world has a long history of condemning truth, especially when it interferes with current beliefs and lifestyles. In 1633 AD the scientific dogma was that the earth was the center of the universe, and that the universe revolved around the earth. The scientific philosopher Galileo proposed the converse and declared that the earth revolved around the sun. This simple truth and Galileo, the purveyor of the truth, were brought before the Inquisition tribunal and Galileo was forced to recant, which preserved his life. Upon leaving the inquisition he whispered about the earth
“and yet, it moves.”
Galileo’s tribunal was not an isolated incident. Stories of numerous martyrs are found throughout history. Henrik Ibsen eloquently addressed the martyr’s plight in a play written in 1882, titled “Enemy of the People.” He relates the story of a doctor in Norway who noticed that visitors to his town were getting sick after indulging in the local mineral spring spas. He investigated and discovered the spas were infected
with bacteria carried in by discharges from surrounding tanneries. When he went public with his findings the town went berserk. Local merchants, government officials and the press moved to muzzle him, the medical establishment pulled his medical license, and they labeled him “an enemy of the people.” This is how money and belief systems deal with truth, it is negated, ridiculed, edited out, blocked, shouted down, and even made illegal.
In 1847, the brilliant Hungarian physician, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis noted that
10% of pregnant women died from puerperal fever in childbirth. He had a theory that cleanliness could mitigate transmission of disease-causing particles. Semmelweis instituted the routine of mandatory hand washing, especially for personnel performing autopsies and then delivering babies. The death rate among these female patients dropped to less than 1%, and he, of course, published the results. This enraged the medical community who were unwilling to admit culpability in thousands of deaths.
Consequentially, instead of honoring him, the medical profession expelled him from practice and committed him to an insane asylum, where he died two weeks later.
Today, brilliant scientists from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and throughout the world are being treated like Galileo and all truth seekers for standing against draconian edicts that have shut down businesses, schools, churches, and family get-togethers. These edicts or mandates were accomplished by collusion of greedy pharmaceutical
giants and governments, resulting in putting 58 million Americans out of work and permanently bankrupting over 100,000 small businesses.(1) All mandates have been shown to be in-effective, and violated constitutional law, world law (via Nuremberg), and God given rights.
You’re more likely to find the truth of an issue when money other special interests aren’t involved. We are responsible to do our research, look at both sides of issues, find the facts and use our inner voice to know what’s
- Ladapo, J, Md, Phd. 2022. Transcend Fear. Skyhorse Publishing. New York. Foreword