When you find yourself in a hole, the first rule to get out is stop digging! We can liken this to our current health crisis: when vaccines fail stop vaccinating!
Dr. Robert Malone, a founder of the technology that led to mRNA vaccines is horrified at the application of his technology. Vaccinating the world during a pandemic is like spitting into the wind, it doesn’t stop the wind and it could get
One component of “digging deeper holes” is the disrespecting of alternative treatment options, blocking their sales, and prohibiting
physicians from prescribing. This withholding of alternative treatments contributes to higher death rates. The USA has one of the highest death rates but pales in comparison to New Zealand. This island nation has extremely high compliance for Covid vaccine injections resulting in 0% natural derived immunity. This has resulted in one of the worst mortality rates in the world today. The country with the lowest Covid death rates is the destitute country of Haiti. Their President banned the vaccine
prior to his assassination and afterwards the country, even with pharmaceutical best efforts, remained low in vaccine compliance. Something else that aided in low death rates is a widespread usage of chloroquine in Haiti, which is prescribed routinely for malaria
Another component of “digging deeper holes” is ignoring and covering up the fact that most Covid cases and deaths are coming from thousands of fully vaccinated and boosted people. These new Covid cases are the direct result of altering the immune response by focusing on one component, the spike protein. This mono-path weakens the immune system responses to other antigens including Covid variants.
Beware of the new tri-valiant vaccine, which is set to launch as early as September. This new vaccine incorporates the spike protein from the original Covid 2 plus the spike proteins from Omicron BA4 and
BA5. This will accelerate the problems caused from the original vaccine and result in more deaths and suffering. 3.2 billion dollars has already been committed to purchase these vaccines and the pressure to vaccinate will start soon. Get the full story in Dr. Malones interview: https://www.theepochtimes.com/why-the-highly-vaccinated-are-seeing-higher-deaths-dr-robert-malone_4613159.html?utm_source=pushengage
Political and medical leaders need to stop
digging deeper holes, stop spitting into the wind, quit doubling down, stop covering up, admit they were wrong and destroy all remaining stockpiles of this useless and dangerous vaccine. We collectively need to reject the failed vaccine, save our children and ourselves, and follow the sage advice given for the past two years in this newsletter.