Candida In Balance
by Rebecca Graeff, MH
Is it natural to have yeast present in the body? Yes. Candida albicans live in the mucosal lining of our gut. It is a “good bacteria.” This type of yeast plays an important role in the maintenance of a healthy gut, urinary tract system and skin. However, the overgrowth of yeast colonies in the system may cause trouble. The abundance of yeast is
commonly caused using antibiotics, steroids, aspirin or ibuprofen. When antibiotics are prescribed to destroy targeted bacteria, they also annihilate the billions of friendly flora that protect the intestinal tract. There are over two hundred varieties of friendly flora in perfect balance within our guts that are extinguished. It is important to note that one single pro-biotic, acidophilus will not create the designed balance. Candida albicans, a hardy flora variety, is beneficial to us
but is not affected by antibiotic use. Candida albicans will grow uncontrollably when the other flora is no longer present and will move in full force taking up all available space in the intestinal tract. Then comes the change. The yeast changes its structure, growing appendages. These whip-like projections thrash against the walls of the intestinal wall, causing thousands of small lesions creating a pathway for Candida to enter the blood stream, causing Systemic Candidiasis which may cause
symptoms that imitate many known diseases. These perforations inside the bowel wall allow undigested proteins to enter the bloodstream. Our immune system recognizes an invader and attacks. Later, our immune system will remember the protein invader and respond with an allergic reaction. Food allergies may result. So, if you find yourself developing food allergies, repair your gut.
Some common symptoms include flatulence, bloating, brain fog, fatigue, emotional disorders, skin problems and joint discomfort. It is critical to recognize the signs to aggressively make changes to avoid chronic diseases as seen with autoimmune conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, liver toxicity, bleeding bowels, hemorrhoids, Leaky Gut
syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic inflammation, indigestion, acid reflux and ulcers.
Excessive sweetener consumption, even natural sweeteners, such as agave, coconut sugar, honey and maple syrup may cause an overgrowth of Candida. Sugar and alcohol use may also be the culprit. Since yeast overgrowth causes symptoms imitating many diseases, misdiagnosis is common. All the while, undetected yeast overgrowth continues to colonize creating
more side effects and illness. Most alternative therapies focus on killing off the yeast and providing the body with pro-biotics. But there is more. Consider the cause of the problem. Restoring the intestinal lining damage and balancing the friendly flora is essential for gut recovery.
Cleansing, strengthening, and toning this system to balance and promote a healthy friendly flora environment is the goal. The following herbal aid procedures will get you started along with eating oodles of fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted legumes.
Complete the 21-day protocol for Systemic Yeast Overgrowth & Leaky Gut Syndrome found on page 57 in Herbal Home Health Care or at the following link: https://www.herballegacy.com/Candida.html
Stop all sweeteners, sugar, honey, maple syrup, sucanat, dried fruit and alcohol.
Eat brown rice, millet and vegetables. This is easy for the body to break down.
Supplement with nutritional yeast. It is an inactive yeast and provides plenty of B vitamins.
Eliminate dairy as lactose feeds Candida.
Consume clean and fermented foods; raw sauerkraut, kimchi, vinegar, and Rejuvelac along with lots of raw vegetables.
Supplement with acidophilus and/or bifidus to help restore normal balance of flora.
Drink distilled water.
Use herbs that support the body in healing from yeast infections
Echinacea: stimulates the immune system
Cranberry: an aid for yeast infections
Goldenseal: contains antibiotic berberine, effective against yeast\
Pau d’ arco: contains anti -yeast compounds
Purslane: supports the immune system
Licorice and Stevia: herbal sweeteners that do not feed yeast
Garlic: known for centuries to function as a natural antibiotic. Three to four cloves (adult) every four hours has ended many types of infections in our family over the years. Garlic is a great yeast infection aid as it is antifungal, and especially helpful for vaginal candidiasis and thrush.
Rebecca Graeff, Master Herbalist, organic gardener, and educator delights in herbal studies and research. She strives to encourage everyone around her to continue their life-long learning towards natural healing and wellness.
Dr. John R. Christopher founded The School of Natural Healing in 1953 with the intent to teach people how to cleanse and nourish their bodies in order to heal and prevent disease. His dream was to have an
Herbalist in every home, and a Master Herbalist in every community. Join his legacy at The School of Natural Healing!
Screen with lid or cotton fabric and rubber band
Rinse and drain grain. Discard berries that float to surface. Soak one cup of grain for 48 hours in the three cups of water, cover. Strain out liquid Rejuvelac into new jar to drink for the next day or so, leaving the berries and sediment in the jar for next batch. Refill the same jar with pure water and place on counter for 24 hours. Pour off Rejuvelac
again saving berries and sediment. Refill the jar one more time with pure water for 24 hours. Pour off the Rejuvelac and discard the berries. The fizzy flavor is tart. This effervescent enzyme, probiotic drink provides a multi-strain acidophilus. Store in refrigerator for two to three days.
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