For the Love of an Herbalist
By Kelly Pomeroy, MH
In my years as a Master Herbalist and natural healer, I have learned that it is not for the faint of heart. It requires diligence and commitment, detective work, a willingness to be taught, to have an open mind, and especially to love. As the King James version of the Bible says,
“Charity (love) suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
As we work with our clients, loved ones, and ourselves, this is an important part of the equation. We are asked to use all our education, resources, minds, energy, kindness, and love to be ministering angels to those who suffer. Dr. Christopher was such a man, full of charity, wisdom, and strength. He is a hero of mine.
I am in a current experience that has tested my strength as a natural healer. A loved one of mine had an aggressive cold, since covid, that developed into a very stubborn sinus infection. Herbs were used for the bowels as well as to stop infection. A couple of weeks later, we still had not seen much improvement. He complained of headaches, so herbs were given to him for the nervous system.
We made sure to provide consistent and sufficient amounts of herbs for the intensity of sickness we felt he was dealing with. I performed foot zone therapy several times a week and could tell his liver and a few other areas of the body felt different. I added all of Dr. Christopher’s four cleansing formulas to keep the eliminative channels open for the bowels, liver, kidneys, and blood stream. I included Dr. Christopher’s Super Garlic Immune formula and raw garlic. We began to see small
improvements, but not as significant as I knew we should be seeing. This really got my attention. I consulted my herbal peers, mentors, and medical professionals for advice. I added wormwood and parasite herbs, no change. I was perplexed to say the least. My loved one was struggling with so much coughing, congestion and moaning all night in discomfort and it has made for many sleepless nights for me. His infection has been in the sinuses, gums, and we found a few boils. We used black ointment on
the boils and used a Neti pot to irrigate the nasal canal and sinus areas. In the Neti pot, we used a ½ cup of distilled water, a dropperful of either Dr. Christopher’s X-Ceptic or Eyebright formulas and a ¼ t. real salt a couple of times a day, then switched to gentle herbal teas of Marshmallow, Calendula, and Chickweed to soothe the irritated tissues.
After significant effort and my loved one feeling exhausted, we decided to take the counsel of western medicine and see if their perspective could lighten the load, since deep sinus infections can be very stubborn. We used a 5-day antibiotic. It gave some relief, but the infection came right back. We tried again, all the while staying with the Super Garlic, Infection formula, eliminating
channel herbs, and a clean diet. The Neti pot would not allow liquid to travel up the nasal canal and to the other side. His eye was tearing up and puffy on one side since his eye ducts that led into the nasal canal were blocked. We had lab work and cultures taken but kept on the herbal protocols every hour to fight infection and keep the elimination channels open.
The situation is not completely resolved, but improvements have been made. As we keep the eliminating channels open, remove waste, and support the body to fight infection, it allows the body to heal itself. Daily foot zones have also helped his body relax and allow him to sleep.
I do not recommend any of you do what my loved one and I did. You each must decide what is best for your own bodies, as did he and I.
What is my point in sharing this with you? A couple of things. First, there are many ways to help the body, but the path to healing is not the same. I genuinely believe in and continue to use my vitalist approach. It is the most supportive to the body. I also used some of an atomist approach, western medicine methods, in hope of providing some needed relief for my loved
My hope is that you will feel the courage to work with the body as a vitalist does. We may not always know exactly what is wrong, but we know enough to start in the right direction. It is so important we do detective work, ask questions, connect the dots, keep an open mind, and be prayerful. Dr. Christopher was a very prayerful herbalist who was quick to consult with Heaven and others. I
also hope to illustrate that natural healing is not a magical quick experience. It takes a lot of effort to use herbal routines, to seek to understand the body, and willingness to suffer long (be patient), as the Bible said. So why do we herbalists do all of this? Because we love.
May you feel strengthened as you learn, educate, and serve those around you with greater patience, wisdom, understanding and love.
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing, as well as a Foot Zone Instructor and practitioner. She has a passion for learning and increasing her abilities to help others heal. She lives in Utah with her four children.
Dr. John R. Christopher founded The School of Natural Healing in 1953 with the intent to teach people how to cleanse and nourish their bodies in order to heal and prevent disease. His dream was to have an Herbalist in every home, and a Master Herbalist in every community. Join his legacy at The School of Natural Healing!
Decadent Raw Brownie, by Kelly Pomeroy
Wishing there was a brownie that was delicious and good for you?
Try this one with Cacao or Carob.
½ c. cacao or carob powder
1 t. turkey tail, reishi, or another mushroom powder
½ t. licorice root powder
¼ c. vegan, stevia sweetened chocolate chips or carob chips
You will need a food processor for this recipe or a good blender with a tamper stick. Place the dates and walnuts in the food processor and mix until they are a nice crumble. Add the mushroom powder, rosehips, licorice root, and pinch of salt. Process for a while until the mixture becomes slightly sticky when pressed together. Add the water and mix. Last, add the chocolate or carob chips and process for a little more.
The end texture should be little beads of mixture that when pressed, firm up into a shape. I like to press my mixture into fun molds or balls. This treat has vitamin B, C, D, E, zinc, iodine, magnesium, potassium, manganese, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids, fiber and more! A perfect treat that you should feel good about eating. No guilt here!
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