Wheat has received a bad reputation in the last 20 or more years, with gluten allergies, intolerances, and bad health claims. However, research and scriptures have shown evidence of wheat’s great health benefits (Christopher, 1941). Generations have used this staple crop, dating back to the Old Testament (KJV), 2022). Somewhere between then and now, wheat has been misused and we need to relearn how to use it properly.
Just after World War II, agricultural scientist, Norman Borlaug, set out to make hardy, disease resistant crops that would produce higher yields. This was called The Green Revolution. His intentions were to provide help for poor farmers and a starving nation that had just come out of the Depression and World War II. His practices used extreme amounts of synthetic and non-synthetic fertilizers as well as hybridizing wheat and
rice specifically, to obtain hardier grains. While initially it produced higher yields to prevent hunger, in the long term, it depleted soils and caused alterations and mutations of the original grains ("The Green Revolution: Norman Borlaug and the Race to Fight Global Hunger | American Experience | PBS", 2022). In the late 1990’s, new genetically modified versions of wheat were being distributed to consumers, introducing even more unnatural modifications to this grain and others. These genetic
modifications have significant implications. For further information on the repercussions of chemical pesticides and genetically modified organisms, see this article (Pomeroy, 2022). These chemicals and modifications have shown a direct correlation to unhealthy gut microbiome as well as allergies to wheat. For those interested
in healing their gut microbiome and helping their body heal from such intolerances, see this article (Christopher, 2022). Because of these crop changes in wheat, can you see why it is so important to select organic, non-genetically modified wheat?
Wheat, Triticum species, dates to Old Testament times. Its phytic acid coating allows it to be highly storable. Grains which were stored in the pyramids, were brought out, planted, and still grew after thousands of years of storage (Christopher, 1941). Phytic acid prevents the grain from growing and protects the germ within. It must go through a soaking process, which then activates enzymes in the grain, causing it to grow
and become more digestible and bioavailable with more nutrients. Today most wheat and flour products have not been soaked or prepared for easier digestion. They have been stripped of nutrients and bleached to please the taste buds and eyes, all the while upsetting the digestive system. Dr. Christopher considered wheat an ultimate healer, but only by soaking and sprouting the grain first. He also considered it superior to all other grains for man, providing the greatest energy and vitality to the
human body (Christopher, 1941).
Wheat grass juiced contains 70% chlorophyll and is almost identical to the hemoglobin in your blood, with the exception that hemoglobin contains iron, and chlorophyll contains magnesium- an essential mineral the body needs. Wheatgrass is high in vitamins A, B, C, K, and E, rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, iron, cobalt, zinc, lecithin, essential amino acids, enzymes, as well as a great
detoxifier (Christopher, M.H. & Gileadi, 2010).
Wheat can also be fermented properly and made into a probiotic drink called Rejuvelac. This is another fantastic way to utilize wheat. See the recipe below for this drink.
We are living in times that are uncertain. We can store and benefit from organic, non-GMO grains, as did the people in the Old Testament, and use them every day, as well as in times of famine or other emergencies. We can soak, sprout, and prepare them to help nourish, strengthen, heal, and support our body. Wheat truly can be an ultimate healer!
*If you are uncomfortable using wheat, try using another grain such as whole grain quinoa or rice, to support your body, implementing these same principles.
- Christopher, J. (1941). Just What is the Word of Wisdom (pp. 19-22). Springville: Christopher Publications.
- (KJV), J. (2022). OFFICIAL KING JAMES BIBLE ONLINE. (Ex. 9, Deut. 8, Jer. 12, Matt 3, etc) Retrieved 7 March 2022, from https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/
- The Green Revolution: Norman Borlaug and the Race to Fight Global Hunger | American Experience | PBS. (2022). Retrieved 7 March 2022, from https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/green-revolution-norman-borlaug-race-to-fight-global-hunger/
- Pomeroy, K. (2022). GMO's, Glyphosate, and Organic Foods. Retrieved 7 March 2022, from https://archive.aweber.com/newsletter/herbal-legacy/NzI4MTc3/gmos-glyphosate-organic-foods.htm
- Christopher, D. (2022). Natural Protocol for Systemic Yeast Protocol and Leaky Gut Syndrome. Retrieved 7 March 2022, from https://www.herballegacy.com/Candida.html
- Christopher, M.H., D., & Gileadi, C. (2010). Herb Syllabus, Master Herbalist Guide (pp. 677-680). Springville, Utah: Christopher Publications.
Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She has a great interest in natural health. She is also certified as a Foot Zone Instructor and enjoys helping people achieve greater health. She lives in Utah with her children.
Dr. John R. Christopher founded The School of Natural Healing in 1953 with the intent to teach people how to cleanse and nourish their bodies in order to heal and prevent disease. His dream was to have an
Herbalist in every home, and a Master Herbalist in every community. Join his legacy at The School of Natural Healing!
Wheat Berry Parfait, By Kelly Pomeroy
½- ¾ c. wheat berry sprouts
½-1 c. dairy free yogurt (I like coconut milk yogurt)
¾-1 c. Berries, fresh or frozen
1 T. Maple syrup or to taste
Makes 1 serving. To make more, repeat process in different serving cups.
Sprouting Wheat berries - Soak about 2 cups of wheat in distilled or purified water overnight, or for about 12 hours. Rinse and place in a glass pan, an 8 x11 or 8 x 8 will do. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and set near a window with light. Rinse well every morning and evening. I pour my grains into a metal mesh strainer to rinse them and then place them back in the pan. Cover the grains again and repeat
this process for several days until you see the grain sprouts begin to have little green tails. Rinse well one more time and then refrigerate for use or dry on a dehydrator rack for dry storage.
Parfait - Take 2 T. of the wheat berries and place them at the bottom of your cup. Add 1 t. maple syrup, then 2 T. yogurt, followed by a spoonful of berries. Repeat the layers, 2 T. wheat berries, 1 t. maple syrup, 2 T. yogurt. Repeat one more time and finish by placing a spoonful of berries on top and a drizzle of maple syrup. This is such a yummy treat. It may take kids some getting used to, eating wheat
berries, because they are sprouts, but they are delicious and leave the stomach feeling settled and satisfied.
Rejuvelac - Adapted from Ann Wigmore & John R. Christopher
Distilled or purified water
1 1/2 C. wheat or any grain
Sprout screen jar lid or natural fiber cloth and elastic band
Add grain to the jar and fill with water, until it reaches the bottom of the neck of the jar. This will give room for the grains to grow. Let the grains soak for 12 hours or overnight. Rinse well and cover with natural fiber cloth and an elastic band. Let it sit by a window with sun for the day. Rinse at night and then fill with water and place a lid over it. Let this mixture sit for 3 days on the counter and then pour off
the grains and discard them. Keep the liquid. It should be full of gut loving probiotics, vitamin B’s, K, and E, as well as enzymes. Place the liquid back in the jar, secure the lid, label it, and store in the refrigerator. I like to add 1 T. liquid to my smoothies. It has a mild, lemon like flavor to it.
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