Herbal Dentistry By David Christopher, MH
I have been asked many questions about what to do about tooth problems. Knowing what causes tooth decay, I usually tell these people to see a dentist. Generally, these inquiries come from people who have given up on modern dentistry and want to know how to resolve their dental problems naturally.
The problem is that natural dental care should start before the first set of teeth appear. As a baby, they should not have been given sugar water by health care providers. That water should also have never had fluoride in it. Their mothers should have been very careful with their diets while carrying the baby and should not have consumed sugar-laden
foods. Babies need breast milk not, sugar laden formula. I was on a flight many years ago, and watched a mother order a cola drink, put it her baby’s bottle, and then proceed to feed it to the baby. A lifetime of wrong dietary choices leads to a lifetime of dental decay.
Since we cannot go back in time, we need to address the current crisis. I tell these seekers of herbal knowledge that the first job is to get rid of the bacteria that is present when there is tooth pain. Pain is simply a signal that something is wrong, and when we remove the bacteria, the pain signal decreases. This, of course, is temporary. If there is
an opening in a tooth there will always be bacterial infection. This is why I recommend seeing a dentist who can fill the hole and seal it off from further invasion. If the hole is not filled the individual must constantly fight the bacteria. Natural therapies that help remove bacteria include the following:
Oil pulling: This is a very natural procedure, but also time consuming. It simply involves swishing a tablespoon of vegetable oil between the teeth for 10 minutes and then spitting it out. This traps and physically removes bacteria.
Swishing with hydrogen peroxide is quicker but less natural. Both oil pulling and swishing with hydrogen peroxide temporarily destroy bacteria and should be done multiple times each day.
Dr. Christopher’s X-Ceptic formula can be used by swishing and then also applying the tincture to a small portion of a cotton ball and placing it on the gum closest to the cavity. The lips or cheeks will hold it in place.
Tooth pain can also be reduced by chewing on a white willow twig, an echinacea root, cloves, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, or even swishing with chamomile tea. We learn from Dr. Christopher the value of cayenne pepper as a strong pain deterrent. Some of our strongest pain killing herbs are unfortunately illegal such as coca leaves, poppy, and cannabis. Brushing
and swishing with Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Tooth Powder can also be very soothing.
I have also had many inquiries about periodontal disease. Dr. Christopher’s procedure for this disease was highly successful. It is simple and takes 3 or 4 weeks. Mix white oak powder in enough water to give it the consistency of pie dough (this is called a poultice). Line the gums with this mixture and leave in day and night. The lips and cheeks will hold
it in place. Remove the poultice to eat. After eating, clean the mouth and apply a fresh batch of the white oak bark poultice. This procedure is a God send and has blessed many people.
I have also received questions about bone loss in the jaw. I mentioned the healing effects of Dr. Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone, which they used with great success. I had a person call about a broken tooth that was dangling by a nerve, this same formula saved that tooth. I even took a call from a person who grew back a missing tooth using Dr.
Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone formula. This person called to complain because it came back the wrong shade. I have seen herbs work miraculously well.
Dr. Christopher’s vision was to have an herbalist in every home and a master herbalist in every community. I encourage everyone to seek out herbal education from the School of Natural Healing.
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist, director of The School of Natural Healing, and son of our beloved Dr. John R. Christopher. He is continually helping others improve their health and that of their family members. The School loves having him as the director.
Dr. John R. Christopher founded The School of Natural Healing in 1953 with the intent to teach people how to cleanse and nourish their bodies in order to heal and prevent disease. His dream was to have an
Herbalist in every home, and a Master Herbalist in every community. Join his legacy at The School of Natural Healing!
From FAVES by Melissa Chappell
Blend almonds in a food processor or high-speed blender (a blender will make the sauce smoother) until very fine and flour-like. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth. Serve this with Spring Rolls, over noodles or rice or as a dip for veggies, steamed or fresh. Makes about 2 cups.
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