Gentle Healing with Slippery Elm By Tara Christopher Eyre, MH
Miraculous healing can happen with very simple herbs. And although we may not know the outcome beforehand, we can rest assured that the herbs will do their part to assist us in our life path. This case history told by Dr. Christopher is a perfect example:
“We once had a case of an eight-year-old boy who was like a skeleton. He could not eat any food or drink any water. He’d lain in the hospital so long that he had developed very bad bed sores. His spine was open with the bones protruding, as was his hip bone, which also protruded through the flesh. The hospital physician had sent him home from the hospital as a hopeless
case. There was nothing more they could do for him.
He was put on slippery elm gruel, one teaspoon at a time. Poultices of slippery elm were placed on his hips and spine. Within weeks, he was back to normal weight, his flesh was restored, and he looked like a perfect specimen of health, but he lacked energy. Nothing we gave him would give him strength. It was suggested that our healing ministrations could be contrary to
the Lord’s will concerning this boy. With this change, it was believed his time had come, and the only thing that the parents could do was to administer to him and dedicate him to the Lord. This was done with the boy's approval, and as soon as the “Amen” was said, the little boy looked up and smiled. He then said, “Good-bye Daddy, good-bye Doc” and he was gone with a smile on his face.” (School of Natural Healing, page 342)
As we work with herbs and people, we must remember that each individual has a life path. We can support that path with the healing and strengthening properties of herbs. However, we must remember to honor and respect each person’s time and season.
What I love most about this case history from Dr. Christopher is that slippery elm was able to provide comfort and healing to a sweet boy that must have been in intense pain. His physical wounds were healed, and he was able to pass into the next life with less pain and more peace than he had previously experienced. I believe
this beautiful healing was a blessing to his family as well.
When we choose herbs to assist healing, they gently support and help us continue our own individual path of learning and growth. This beautiful synergy is open to all who seek.
Tara Christopher Eyre is a Master Herbalist and Certified Foot Zone Therapist and Instructor. She loves helping people find and continue their path toward health.
Dr. John R. Christopher founded The School of Natural Healing in 1953 with the intent to teach people how to cleanse and nourish their bodies in order to heal and prevent disease. His dream was to have an Herbalist in every home, and a Master Herbalist in every community. Join his legacy at The School of Natural Healing!
By Dr. John R. Christopher, found in School of Natural Healing, page 338
3 ounces Slippery Elm, powder (Ulmus rubra; U. fulva)
8 ounces Distilled Water (adjust to desired consistency)
1 teaspoon Honey (adjust to desired consistency)
Dash cinnamon or nutmeg, powdered
Preparation: Make a paste by adding water, a little at a time, to the slippery elm powder while stirring; add honey and seasonings to your desired flavor. Can be made with hot or cold water.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon as needed.
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